
🌟 Welcome to this week’s post - let’s dive right into this second week!

Family is moving (sometimes a stressful process) closer to my place - been there a bit and tried to make myself heplful. Also good to have made time to do some galette des rois time despites challenging agendas =)

Administrative pieces are progressing, esp. insurance wise, but also training to prepare an upcoming course. Blackboard is a nice piece of tech for teachers.

Building stuff too: finally came up with a requirement to close a GBN maturity assessment tool, based on the fantastic job done with ISO37107. Assessing the maturity organizations always help identify areas of improvement and sets a roadmap for reaching new heights. Also prototyped a POC for capturing to capture weak signals about AI in infrastructure futures.

I was also thrilled to receive an πŸ’Œ invitation from echOpen - at an evening celebrating its CE marking. An opportunity to celebrate what had started something like 10 years ago (first coffees in jan 2014!) a good opportunity to (re)connect with interesting teams.

Lastly, I’ve started playing with blobs. Funny animals, tough to kill fun to watch, a good activity when playing with fermentation and other bugs =)

Plenty of fun with diverse experiences - until next time, stay curious and keep exploring!