
Annnd that’s a start of a green (couple of) week =)

Good news for admin, some invoices went in, others I’ll need to do when back. And tried also the fun fact of using 8-letter codes for postcards.

And still a bit of work, trainings are booked, deliverables are prepared, and docs to be prepared on the runway. Lack of network here also encouraged testing more of locally-running models. The 0.5b to 12b ones are quite fun and interesting to run. With a couple of GBs, one does have a couple of internet dumps. Side-business do not stop neither, orders ongoing! The SDR board is taking time thanks to missing MSI001. Dang.

Plus loads of books, either reading (‘Station Eleven’, ‘Translation State’, ‘Command Line Interface’, ‘The Last colony’) or attending authors’ conferences here. And the occasional Beekeeper movie (Jason S. ftw!). Plus some music at the local guinguette ofc. A baby cat (ok, not a baby) has found its way to our place, sharing yoga-time with us - though not yet the BBQ nor petanque time. Nor when watching the Olympics.

Playing more too, trying more of MTG (newer editions are definitely overcheated), FAB still needs to be done. Too much sun, beach, foods and books. But pretty sure the backlog will be cleared.