
And now we’re quite back onto work!

A bit for the innovation project, working on key exploitable results mapping, as well as preparing deliverables. I do love closing the actions a month ahead so these items are ticked off - directly. And going on with the placemaking fresk.

A bit of fun too, going to the ciné for the new Aliens movie, and a smarter one for MonteCristo. Apart from these tickets, we got also some tickets for beer brewing, possibly a SF festival, for a race in Nov, and for some rugby. I got some progress with the MTG project, some more sales done, and repacking of the remaining lots. But .. we haven’t tried out the Necrohamster game yet. Friends were there though to get some headshots in CSGO2.. that was nice ^

Also got some new PCBs - a good reminder to get back into the hardware side of things in the remaining 3 months.

And because back2school is sad, we’re ending this week with a leak from the neighbour, and some rain in the kitchen. But since I got paid for the last months, there’s some money to get works rolling!