
Another week bites the dust.. and this one was a speedy one. Didn’t even manage to get my three runs on this week.

Still as grey as .. the past weeks? Nothing super super fun, but we still managed to get a bit of sun to celebrate Jerome’s wedding, and our this week end trip in the East to plan for a bigger party this summer.

A bit of prep for the coming month, possible interest in a couple of training (ISO42001 anyone? This I believe will prove popular).

But the main part of the week was to close as much as possible on the apps/design/coding for Isobel, for Tim and Adam, for Antoine and Nikita, … And that was the easy part for the colleagues.

For partners, still buildnig on the ISO37101, got a prototype of a strategic sim city to allow players to get an objective, and check what programme they can build with five smaller projects, and check how these projects contribute to the wider picture. Simple enough in theory but .. interesting ;) Also progressing on an EVA (not the EVA 01), a research assistant for Social and Behavioral Sciences Branch.

On the personal side, more of cooking (with spinach and fermented) lemon, brewed pure ginger beers again (with our without red pepper haha).

And next week might be a bit more chill.. hopefull =)