
Still a week of chill really.

Been to a few concerts on the village plaza (including a nice sing-everything guy, plus the neighbours singing blues =) ), all the while eating at the local foodtrucks.

A bit of reading (l’Assassin Royal, 1/3, a long due read), watching weird stuff (l’intervention, Suicide squad 2, Titane). And playing pétanque more and more, with the sister-in-law and little guy, and Cailloux passing through. We wrote a couple of songs for the fireworks night too! Plus some triathlon training of course, on the light side of things.

Tech-wise, been playing around with the ollama running locally, good stuff when offline (which is the case when on the island), so pretty helpful.. if properly planned.

So it’s mainly been a birthday week, with ice cream of course, so biking, cooking, sea and reading were the main activities =)