
Not much this week, really.. time to be back in the big city. Even if she went back to the seaside (not jealous at all of the great weather)!

Still, some progress done with the insurance, done some work for pbn, and managed to get the old film from the camera shop.

Then .. preparing for the week-end. Including a rush to get custom plastic cups done, but the timelines where .. screwed. I screwed up big time.. but fell back on hand-made invitation cartons and a nice tentative of a song. This in the end worked, and JPMartini did their magic on the song afterwards. That lead to picking up the brother’s, moving in the east and seeing everyone midweek, with plenty of handcraft workshops, eating, drinking and - with a lot of luck - we had a fantastic weather. The event was supposed to be under a tstorm, but we just enjoyed a good time at Sandie’s. Waaay too much sun, food, drinks, songs and fun, that was good! The evening was tougher haha.

And then the rest of the week just went on a similar path. Pas de répit pour les braves!