
Got to see long-time friends (who just pushed me back to my chess.com account - but, err, not so smartly, ELO ranking went down, again) for an early evening, and then a farewell party of a long-time colleague. Each with their own adventures =)

Still progressing on some educational projects, but not on Coursera, spent some time trying to get back some of the time spent travelling earlier this week. First in the UK for the OpenUK State of Open Con (and bragging a bit with the rp2040 eink badger badge), but after that then in Berlin, with admirable weather. A most welcome change of scenery and perspective!

On the administrative front, got the first invoices out (trying out some administrative platform, quite nicely done so far), got some extra pieces of work and delivered them on a short notice. Also got to progress on the ISO37100 card game, I’d love to get the cards out for Porto! But time flies. Also worked a bit in general home maintainance, hopefully closing some topics in there.

Personal projects - exploring the complex networks of digital & data in France, trying to follow-up on previous encounters and connecting with some of the communities, including the Dataforgood one, and new partners on new projects. The refugees camps and the environmental impact of genAI seem exciting, three month to explore them and try and get something out. On the other, hardware front, I got and checked the new batch of un0ricks, and progressed on the rp2040 board, along with redesigning its pulser in a PMOD form factor, along with separated high-voltage source. I’d love to explore too a FT4222 bridge for QUAD-SPI but also getting an external PSRAM onboard. But can the rp2040 handle that fast a Quad SPI?

Despite the looming demise of the blobs, who seem to have caught a cold, culinary experiments with lactofermented onions and pickled oignon introduced a flavorful twist to the routine. A week, thus, encapsulated in a tapestry of tasks, travels, and tastes, narrated with a hint of sleep deprivation. 📅🛠️🥒