
After last week pieces of conflict, this one was more of a reminder to give time to things. Got a cold and some tummy ache, maybe just a reminder 🤧.

One of the major topics was to refine the class, get the case study in order, and run it through beta testers. I guess we’re already 25% done after this - so, good.

From some LLM-based hacks 🛠️ - got some fun with a project running GBN agent-based simulations, and another project automating a risk assessment workflow. Got also some contacts for hardware, from Texas to Ecuador, and through Asia and possible contacts for PMUTs. More fun on the horizon - got the PCBs for most of the PMODs (including the pico-adc) and I do look forward to getting the BOM pieces!

Still more cooking (merci HelloFresh ;)), but the brioche and foccacia bread are still not ticked. But also got a couple of lunches, dinners and breakfasts providing for keeping connections alive and nurturing friendships. It’s been fun cooking with the dc family at Petites Cantines! Good time spent there talking about interspecies, the power of Nature, time spent in DeepTimeWalks (they do cards), and the interest of theWeek.

Amid all of these super fancy activities, I managed to carve out time for personal growth through the completion of a course on Mastering Digital Twins on Coursera, and unwound with some good movie, “Those who wish me dead” (and started Furies, closed Chasseur d’épave ). And I’ve reached back the rating of 700 ELO on chess.com - though not for long 📚