The Evaluation Assistant


The Evaluation Assistant (EVA): Augmenting Social and Behavioral Innovation Assessment

Challenge: The PROBONO project is set to launch market-ready innovations that require thorough evaluation by behavioral innovation experts. However, the assessment process can be resource-intensive and inconsistent across reviews, potentially hampering the project’s progress and impact.

Pain relief: Enter EVA, a cutting-edge AI-powered tool designed specifically for social and behavioral innovation evaluators. Built on the robust EVA framework developed by Social Science and Behavior researchers, this digital assistant streamlines the entire evaluation process. EVA leverages Python and OpenAI’s Large Language Model API, delivered through a user-friendly Streamlit web application. Its key features are:

  • Guided assessment: EVA walks users through defining, measuring, and reporting innovation impact and progress.
  • Time-efficient: Dramatically reduces evaluation time from 4 hours to just 30 minutes.
  • Consistency booster: Ensures uniformity across reviews, enhancing reliability.
  • Tailored for professionals: Designed specifically for social science experts reviewing innovations.
  • Unique solution: Currently unmatched in the market, offering a bespoke evaluation experience.

Results: EVA transforms the innovation review landscape:

  • 87.5% reduction in evaluation time (from 4 hours to 30 mins)
  • Significant improvement in overall quality for both reviewees and reviewers
  • Enhanced consistency and reliability across assessments
  • Streamlined workflow for social science professionals

EVA is not just a tool; it’s your partner in advancing social and behavioral innovations. Experience the future of innovation evaluation today ;)