
This week was under the sign of cats - we just started cat-sitting a super friendly, furry cutie. And apart from the cat, taking time with people too, with the InfoMgt lead, but also talking MRI with Martin, and time with parents and godson =)

Arty-side, nothing much but a gaming sesh of the binding of Isaac - weird, but maybe less weird than expected, as well as doing some more engraving. Nothing rocks like Chase in Paris. Plus some time chasing street flea markets. A relief from admin - the accounting firm isn’t that great, and payments for my gigs are getting delayed.

On the hardware side, I’ve been adding to the probes breakdowns, interesting to see how these are designed by their manufacturers. Also tried to do a pulser power-use for the Pulser PMOD. And finally got boards for the pHADC. As for software - we’re closing a phase of an AI assistant proof of concept I’ve been working on, so that good! 📷

Some good comms too with social networks posts for the ISO work, which by the way is progressing with the demonstrators, and possible support from a MBA Student. And I managed to get Paris participatory budget as an illustration of the concept.

Still not getting bored, and trying to keep the momentum on progressing stuff. 🌟